Deciding To
To BuyChoosing A
Real Estate
Agent Time to
Go ShoppingEscrow
Inspections &
Moving In
Once those preparations are out of the way, it is time to find the right property for you.
Take a Drive.
Get to know the neighborhoods, complexes, or subdivisions, which interest you. Drive around and get a feel for what it would be like to own a property in the area. Start getting a sense of the homes available in those areas.
Narrow Your Search.
Once you have driven the area, hopefully you can narrow down your search into a small geographic area. I will help you identify homes that match your search criteria and schedule appointments for us to view the homes together. I will help you determine the potential long term resale value and pros/cons of the homes you are considering.
Time to Buy.
Once you have picked out the property you want to purchase, I will help you make an offer that the seller will accept; I have experience helping my clients draft offers in a way that gives you the advantage over other offers. This is an extremely important quality, as many homes in today’s market sell within hours of listing and with multiple offers!